Debunking the Democratic Party Lies through WalkAway Documentary

The #WalkAway movement has been a great success in turning the gullible democrat liberals into the conservative fold. A lot of Democrats who have been fooled and taken for granted have walked away from all the lies told to them.

The #WalkAway Campaign documentary shared the views of some people who dared to #WalkAway from the Democratic Party plantation.

The Great Awakening: Breaking the Chains of the Democratic Party

The documentary highlights:

  1. The Racist Past of the Democratic Party 
    1. The KKK was the Thug Arm of the Democratic Party
      1. They pushed KKK to the right and replaced it with:
        • Antifa
        • Black Lives Matter
        • Women’ s March
        • Planned Parenthood
        • Southern Poverty Law Center
        • American Civil Liberties Union
        • Sold-out dishonest Fake News Media (Also called Main Stream Media)
        • Rogue Hollywood Elites
        • Higher Education Brainwashing Institutions
        • Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Patreon, YouTube, Instagram, etc.
    2. The Vote against Emancipating Slaves by Democrats
    3. The Jim Crow laws to keep the Blacks Segregated
    4. Suppression of the Democrat Party Racist History
  2. Lies of Democrats in policy matters
  3. Divisive Identity Politics played by Democratic Party
  4. Perpetrating the victimhood on certain groups to keep them down in life
  5. Attempts to open the borders to get more illegal immigrants and put them on welfare to build the new victim group that can vote for them. This group is expected to replace the Black voters that are waking up to the Democratic Party scam and getting away from them. Before this group leaves en masse from the Democratic Party, they want to create other groups that can rely on the Democratic Welfare Schemes.
  6. Creating hatred against Cops
  7. Socialist policies of the Democrat Party
  8. God and Faith
    1. How the Democrats are taking the country away from God
    2. Democrat Party has aligned itself with the Devil, and all its policies are devilish
      1. They align with Planned Parenthood whose motto is murdering babies legally
  9. Lies and corruption of the Democratic Party
  10. The hatred spewed against everyone who has a different opinion than them

All Patriots have to stay united in saving America from these rogues who are hell-bent on destroying this country. Share this video widely so that we can awaken the people who are being fooled by this devilish party and ruining lives to achieve their ulterior motive of getting power at any cost. They don’t care for anyone except them getting back in power. They will do whatever is necessary no matter what cost the country and its citizens have to pay.

Awaken and WalkAway from the Democrat party if you are still under their evil spell.

Please comment and share your experiences with the Democrat Party or Liberals in general.

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