Six reasons Big corporations lean towards leftist agenda

Big Fortune 500 corporations and media companies tend to support the left wing agenda. It is perplexing to see these corporations support an ideology that hates big companies and think they are evil. I chose the number six because six is the number of Evil (666). This article is an opinion piece based on common sense. Let me make it very clear that any survey or research was not done to back this article.

Check out the videos that are made by different organizations, some of which are democratic party supports talking and supporting the points that I am making here.

Ephesians 5:8-13 reads:

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the LORD. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.”

I hope that those who are being cheated by the evil leftist ideologies come into the light of Truth and leave their old ways.

Here are six reasons I think Big corporations lean left:

  1. Keep your friends close and your enemies’ closer philosophy
  2. Big Government negatively affects small businesses
  3. Evil is alright if it brings big bucks
  4. Look Cool – Easy to fool liberals
  5. Selfish Ambitions
  6. Easy to influence Godless leaders through lobbyists

Keep your friends close and your enemies’ closer philosophy

Big companies know that Republicans support small government, small businesses, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, and regulations. They are business friendly all the way. There is no threat to their business from the Republicans. They do it anyway as part of their philosophy of life and work. Hence, there is nothing to worry about Republicans. They are already in sync with what big businesses want.

When it comes to the Democrats, they hate big businesses. They want their money. They look at all the different ways to squeeze the last penny out of them. They increase regulations; they tax them more to fulfill their ‘good-sounding-impractical’ ideas of free education, free healthcare, equality, and ‘Living Wages.’ They give through one hand and take it back through the other. They will make their supporters live in a delusional world.

Big corporations try to keep these Democrats in their good-books to protect their business interests. It is like the saying goes: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

However, since these are the political relationships, one cannot seem to look like they are your enemies and you are watching them closely. So these corporations go all out in support of leftist ideologies. Better to have and keep some business with higher taxes and more regulation than to give in to these rogues and lose it entirely.

The Truth about the Republican Party

Big Government negatively affects small businesses

Some large businesses benefit by killing the smaller mom and pop operations through lobbying for rigorous regulations, high taxes, higher wages (call them ‘living wages’ to sound good) and become global conglomerates.

These corporations will also suffer the consequence of these regulations, taxes, wages, etc. However, they have the staying power to survive through these changes and will benefit in the long term by eliminating all the completion from the smaller players. Once they are the only option in town, they can do whatever with the pricing and make up all of the lost money through their lobbying efforts.

These liberal corporations give millions of dollars to the Democratic party to push their agenda to kill as many small businesses as they can. Big government is Evil. It tries to control your life in every possible way. That will make your life entirely dependent on the government for every move.  Big government’s objective is to keep as many people as possible poor and dependent on government. This dependency will ensure that these people keep voting for them over and over again to keep them in power. Democrats don’t care who suffers and how long they suffer as long as they get to power.

Taxes are Killing Small Businesses

How Regulations Hurt Small Businesses

Big Government Kills Small Businesses

Evil is alright if it brings big bucks

Liberals do whatever is right in their own eyes. They do whatever pleases them. There are no absolute morals for liberals. Everything is relative including Evil. They try to justify evil if it brings them big bucks. Who cares for immorality, right and wrong, as long as they can make money out of such actions.

Google had the motto – “Don’t be Evil” – for a long time. However, it understood that having this motto is restricting them from venturing into areas and following evil practices that they knew were not morally correct. However, for them, making money is more important than sticking to your founding mottos and principles.  Hence, they chose to drop the slogan rather than hold to their original core beliefs.

Google manipulates its search results to push its biased Evil agenda. It sleeps with the Devil and promotes evil in the name of social constructs, inclusion, intersectionality and whatever non-sense mask it wants to put on. It is hypocritical and has double standards in everything it does.

All these social media companies are equally evil like Google. They shamelessly lie through their teeth.

Google: Be Evil!

Look Cool – Easy to fool liberals

Some large corporations understand the psyche of the liberals, and they find easy ways to trick them. Liberals think with their emotions rather than their brains. If you can appeal to those unstable emotions, you can make them do anything. That is why you can see so much hatred among liberals even though they believe in equality, freedom, peace, justice, diversity, victimhood, etc. But all these beliefs work only as long as the other people are liberals as well.

The corporations peddle “cool-sounding” ideas like Diversity, Global Warming, Tolerance, Inclusiveness, Intersectionality, Equality, Social Justice, Taxing the Rich, etc. to fool the liberals. Most of the time, they do NOT follow any of the things they suggest or portray themselves. But these corporations talk about these ideas to trick the liberals into following them blindly. They divide the people by playing identity politics in everything they do.

Since liberals don’t use their brains, they hardly do any research. Liberals are like sheep led to the slaughter. They fall into the pit head on and the sad thing is that they do not even realize that they have fallen into the pit. The pit now becomes their world – heights of delusional living.

How to deal with Painful Truths?

Do Good Vs Feel Good?

Progressive Tax Myth

Climate Change Alarm Myth

Selfish Ambitions

Liberals are generally self-absorbed selfish people. They care about themselves and what satisfies them. Such self-centered executives lead some of these large corporations. All they care about is their self-interest – bonus maximization. As long as they can maximize their paychecks through bonuses in cash and kind (stock options), they are happy to follow any path that leads them to their objectives.

Liberalism is more convenient for these executives. Under the guise of freedom, they do whatever pleases them. These God-hating executives find it easy to follow their selfish ambitions without having to worry about morals.

These corrupt executives will lick and suck as needed to achieve their objectives. If something unexpected happens, they are ready to throw some scapegoats under the bus. Once the matter cools down, they are back at their game again. The process keeps repeating itself.

They follow the principle – “You are not a thief unless you get caught.” You can do whatever you want, and liberalism allows this in the name of freedom of expression as long as it fits within their social narrative at the time. There are no absolute morals for them.

The state of executive compensation – These Evil executives line their own pockets

The double standards of the Sears Executives

Easy to influence Godless leaders through lobbyists

The double standards of the Democrat leaders were on full display during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing. They accused the now justice Kavanaugh with all the allegations without any iota of proof. However, when it comes to their party politicians and operatives involved in sexual misconduct, they back them even when there is ample proof of their wrongdoing. These kinds of behaviors display how immoral and low ethical standards they follow.

It makes it very easy to corrupt these politicians and buy their favors (both legally and illegally) to push their corporate agenda. Hence, they back these immoral leaders who will do anything to keep the money flowing.

Democrats take large sums of money from large financial institutions like Goldman Sachs, but they (Democrats) talk against them in their speeches to appease their liberal base. Democrats have different sets of talking points for the corporates in private and public. They assure their donors that they will not follow through with their word or provide enough loopholes for these large corporations to bend the rules. The Democratic party works with Double Standards, and hence the corporates love them. They get the best of both the worlds.

DNC Corruption from TYT Report

Vox – a DNC Propaganda arm explains the Democratic Party history and its identity politics

DNC Double Standards

Please share your thoughts on this article and any other reasons you think to be the reason for many large corporations and mainstream media companies to lean left.

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