Unplanned – Debunking America’s Murder Machine Lies – Abortion Clinics

Unplanned is a compelling, true story about the life of Abby Johnson, an ex-director of Planned Parenthood – America’s Murder Machine. This is a must watch movie for all those who value life – born or unborn. This is a must watch for pro-choice people as they need to see the other side of the coin as well and see how they are helping the abortion industry continue its killing madness.

Movie NameUnplanned
Release DateMarch 29, 2019
Released in TheatersAcross United States
Key CastAshley Bratcher as Abby Johnson
Brooks Ryan as Doug
Robia Scott as Cheryl
Jared Lotz as Shawn
Director(s) Chuck Konzelman
Cary Solomon
Runtime110 Minutes (1 Hours 50 Minutes)
Production Companies Pure Flix Entertainment
RatingR for some bloody scenes (the hypocrisy of MPAA)
Family Friendliness5 Stars / 5 Stars – No nudity or Foul language
My Rating5 Stars / 5 Stars

Unplanned Official Trailer

The movie is introduced with a scene that causes Abby to see the reality of abortion – Baby Killing. She sees with her own eyes how a baby is sucked out of the mother’s womb with all the blood, tissues and the pieces of the children which Planned Parenthood calls Products of Conception. I was shocked to see how inhumanly the doctors and nurses work in the Baby Slaughter Houses – Abortion Clinics.

Cut to Abby Johnson, a Young Women who is studying at Texas A&M, where she is sucked into volunteering for Planned Parenthood with their usual lies about women’s health and women’s reproductive rights. It is not that they don’t do it. They do. But the “bread and butter” is Baby Killing – Abortion.

The job of the volunteers is to get the people into the clinics before they are talked out of it by pro-life volunteers. Abby does a good Job with her volunteer work and gets offered a job at Planned Parenthood, which she takes in spite of disapproval from her family which is Pro-Life.

Abby herself makes wrong partner choices in life and gets abortion twice in her life. In spite of her painful experiences with abortion medicines, she works for the abortion clinic. She divorces her first husband and remarries a pro-life man, who truly loves Abby for who she is in spite of knowing that she works for Planned Parenthood. In spite of him being pro-life, he loves Abby enough to bear the burden of her choices and hoping that she will see the TRUTH and get away from Planned Parenthood.

Impressed with her work and seeing how Abby is now navigating young girls into getting an abortion, the current director takes Abby into the POC room, where the aborted baby pieces are kept to be validated. They need to make sure that all the parts are accounted for before they are disposed of. This is necessary to confirm that all the baby parts are actually out and nothing is left behind in the mother’s womb. Once all the baby parts are accounted for, they are disposed of into the waste-water treatment plants. 

Usually, people get sick of seeing the baby parts. But Abby does not. Hence, she is offered a promotion to become the director of a Planned Parenthood facility in Houston. She does her job well and even urges her colleagues to ignore the pro-life protestor and be friendly with them. She tells her team that the pro-life people do not see things the way they see it and hence do not understand. Abby is personally involved in 22000 abortions and counseling several thousand people over her 8-year career with Planned Parenthood.

Finally, Abby sees the evil intentions of Planned Parenthood to commit more and more abortions to make more money. As the founder of the pro-life organization “40 Days for Life” founder – Shawn Carney prays over the “Pieces of Children” that were being taken to be disposed of, the transformation in Abby takes place which turns her from Planned Parenthood director to pro-life advocate. Shawn Carney prays for the aborted babies by quoting 2 Chronicles 7:14 from the Bible:

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Once Abby turns from her evil ways, she resigns from her position at Planned Parenthood and starts volunteering and talking away some people who come for an abortion. Then Planned Parenthood who have evil donors likes Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffet, sues Abby and lose. In the case of Death Vs. Life, Life wins.

There are several scenes in the movie that exposes Planned Parenthood for what it is and what it actually stands for. They don’t care about the women, they just care about the money they make. The façade behind which they operate has been removed. I only wish people see the TRUTH and do what is right.

Performances: The performances of all the characters is decent. The movie runs at a good pace and never drags. It is worth watching. It will touch everyone who has a heart.

Since the time abortion was legalized in 1973, over 56 million Babies have been murdered legally. Unofficial and unrecorded abortions run into millions of other murders. This is nothing less than legal genocide being carried out in the open. Instead of opposing these slaughters, laws are being made to murder more children even up to the point of a child’s birth. These atrocities should be opposed by all who have any moral values.

Abby Johnson Testimony

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